Nashville, Convention Center, Room 207A
Saturday, August 14, 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. CT
Track: Nursing
Applying care management principles to the correctional health care environment can
be used as a framework to transform health care delivery outcomes and quality.
Understanding and effectively managing the patient population’s health is central to
improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations and overseeing
the cost of health care. This approach is team-based and patient-centered. Daily care
calls as a means of applying care management and quality assurance principles will be
highlighted during this session. Using this model, each facility is provided a medical call
leader to assist the site with navigating through barriers and concerns regarding the
health needs of patients.
Moderator: Lorelei Ammons, PsyD, Chief Operating Officer – Clinical Services,
VitalCore Health Strategies, Topeka, Kansas
Speakers: Jan Egli, RN, Director of Operations, VitalCore Health Strategies, Topeka,
Kansas; Jenn Ehrlich, RN, Vice President of Operations, VitalCore Health Strategies,
Topeka, Kansas; Ted Jester, Director, Juvenile Services Center, Johnson County
Department of Corrections, Kansas City, Kansas; Phillip Reese, Chief, Weber County
Correctional Division, Ogden, Utah